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xpert Grim Sekeris

Grim Sekeris

Grim Sekeris is the Shared Services Manager Process Assurance; Continuous Improvement at Indaver and visiting professor at KULeuven.
At Indaver, Grim works intensively and pro-actively at two of the building blocks that make their company to what they have become today and to what they will grow further: Assuring process
performance and continuously improving processes. Grim has a wide experienced in improvements (Certified Black Belt), managing innovative projects, implementing changes,
implementing and improving performance of Management Systems (e.g. ISO) , this all gathered organization-wide, with focus on 3 major elements: EBITDA increase, efficiency increase and

Grim is also a visiting professor on applied data analytics at the University of Leuven.

Based on his experience and expertise, Grim Sekeris would be a great expert to provide a second opinion on your project


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